Foreign Investors & Income Tax for Investment
If you are a foreign resident, you must lodge a tax return in Australia. You must pay tax on all Australian-sourced income, except for foreign superannuation benefits or income that is exempt from tax under an international agreement.You may be able to claim a refund of any excess withholding tax paid on your Australian-sourced income.
Some people may find it difficult to understand their taxes and feel intimidated by the process. However, with the help of professionals like ASAP Finance, they can get valuable advice about how to file taxes and what they need to do in order to avoid penalties and fines.

Personal Tax
We look after you and your family with sophisticate Tax experts and direct you to understand Tax Law system and family benefits.
More InfoCapital Gain Explore
Besides real estate property, Capital gains tax (CGT) applies to investments in shares in a company, units in a managed fund or other unit trust, and similar products.
More InfoFamily Tax and SMSF
SMSF can bring you another picture when you planning your family tax and future.
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